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Interested young mixed race people with badges on clothes involved in conversation, attend

Matched Speed Dating LA

Real dates with people you'll actually like.

Why Matched Speed Dating?

Lunch Date

You're more than a profile

Discover the person behind the screen. Our speed dating events let you connect in person, where true chemistry can't be filtered out or scrolled past.

How it works

1. Sign up

Simply answer a few questions about your age, preferences, and personality to help us understand who you are and what you're looking for in a partner.

2. Reserve your spot

After we find you some quality matches, we'll send you an invite to an event. Reserve your spot to let us know you're coming.

3. Show up

When you arrive, your event organizer will go through a brief overview of event procedure and  pair you with another attendee. Every 10-15 minutes, the gentlemen will rotate until everyone has had a chance to meet.

4. Next steps

After the event, you'll receive your matches' contact details. The next steps are up to you!

  • How much does it cost?
    Currently, attending an event costs $30, plus taxes and fees. Lower costs may be available when first signing up or for promotions.
  • How do you determine compatibility?
    Most established research shows similarity being a strong predictor of compatibility and relationship satisfaction. We use similarity in a wide variety of factors including age, education, income, political views, activity levels, religion, spending habits, substance usage, etc. ​ That said, similarity alone does not predict love or long term compatiblity. That part is up to you. We just help find some likely candidates.
  • How many people will I meet?
    The number of attendees varies, but you can typically expect to meet between 6-12 singles in one event, allowing for a range of conversations without feeling overwhelmed.
  • How long does each date last?
    Each date lasts approximately 10 minutes. It's enough time to get a sense of someone without the pressure of a prolonged encounter.
  • What should I wear?
    Dress in a way that makes you feel confident and comfortable, keeping in mind that first impressions are important. Smart-casual attire is usually a good choice.
  • When will I get invited to an event?
    Patience is key. We strive to ensure the best matches for our events, which can take some time.
  • Can I bring a friend?
    Our events are designed for invited guests to ensure the best possible matches for all attendees. Friends are encouraged to sign up separately so we can curate potential matches for them too.

Matched Speed Dating LA

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